Chile Guajillo – Dry Chile
Chile Guajillo a Red chile common ingredient in Mexican food.
Red chiles are one of the most common ingredients in Mexican food. Chiles grow well in hot climates. They can be harvested throughout the summer in their green state, but some chiles are left on the plant until autumn when they change from green to their final color of yellow, orange, purple or red, depending on the variety. Some varieties get hotter as they turn from green to their final hue.
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Our offices locates in Manuel de la Sierra 101-AA, colonia Estrella de Oriente, en San Luis Potosi, México
Agroprocesos Naturales is a Mexican company founded in 1986 devoted to offering high-quality ingredients, spices and seasoning products for our clients in the food industry. Our plant is located in San Luis Potosí and offers a wide range of products ready for export.